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THE Carolina Yellow Pages Business Directory
F.A.Q. - Frequently Asked Questions (by Users)

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Why should I add a paid listing for my business in Carolina Yellow Pages?

To increase sales, revenue and profit by reaching new targeted customers who don't know about you yet.

What is your site traffic like?

Our website traffic comes from predominantly Local and Regional visitors interested
in our targeted market - The Carolinas! This qualifies them as highly probable buyers.

How is Carolina Yellow Pages any better than others offering listings?

We are more affordable, more targeted and have already have customers searching for your products
or service in our regional niche market. We invite you to compare Carolina Yellow Pages with any other
internet yellow pages. If you do, we are confident you will recognize the value in our enhanced listings.

How can I compare Carolina Yellow Pages to another online yellow pages site?

Compare Carolina Yellow Pages pricing and features. This page shows how we compare to other Yellow
Pages sites. We've selected one national site for a side-by-side comparison, but there are many others.
Unfortunately, most are expensive, have less features and are not focused to bring you local customers.

How does Carolina Yellow Pages compare to a pay per click search engine campaign?

First of all, the cost is a big factor. Your price per click at search engines (and some other yellow pages)
ranges from about 10 cents to 10 dollars each, depending on how competitive your business is right now.
You can easily waste a large amount of money in a short period of time and have NOTHING to show for it.

This is because people using a search engine are often "tire kickers" - they are still conducting research.
Most haven't yet decided to buy a product or service. People using the yellow pages, on the other hand,
are much further along in the buying process. They are looking for who sells what they want to buy NOW!

What about my email address, will I get spammed from my listing here?

Your email address is NEVER shown to visitors, robots or hackers!

Absolutely NOT! We use a Stealth Email technology, so your email address is NEVER shown to visitors,
robots or hackers. Your email address is invisible to everyone. Don't use ads that bring in more spam.

When I buy, am I locked in to a large payment for a long time?

No. Choose from FREE Bronze listing to your choice of premium listings, which have a low annual fee.
We have advertising for every budget, including YOURS! We're happy to guarantee you'll be satisfied.

How can I pay for my Carolina Yellow Pages listing?

We accept all major credit cards via our online payment partner Payment normally comes at the end of the listing order process, as we can set up a monthly subscription to automatically charge you each month. But, if you want to take advantage of our current special and pay an annual fee, we will give you 2 months for FREE! This can save you an additional $20.00 to $40.00 off our already afforable prices!

To do this, simply use the special order form linked at the top of almost all pages. Look for the Paypal logo with "Listing Special" underneath. You no longer need a Paypal account to use this form, but you can also set up a Paypal account in a few minutes. ALL transactions are secured. Paypal is now an Ebay company.

After I buy my listing, how long does it take before I can see it?

Carolina Yellow Pages ListingsTM are usually approved and go online within 1 business day (or less) after manual confirmation of payment. If not, call 843-552-2145. We appreciate your business!

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